Umbrella Revolution Logo (Exploring the Symbolism Behind the Iconic Image)


The Umbrella Revolution, also known as the Hong Kong Democracy Movement, was a series of pro-democracy protests that took place in Hong Kong from September to December 2014. The movement gained its name from the protestors’ use of umbrellas as a symbol of resistance against the police’s use of tear gas and pepper spray.

The symbolism behind the Umbrella Revolution logo is multi-layered. The yellow umbrella itself represents protection and shelter from the elements, such as the tear gas and pepper spray used by the police. The color yellow is also significant, as it is the color of the pro-democracy movement in Hong Kong.

The black and white background represents the contrasting forces at play in the movement. The black represents the authoritarian forces that the protestors were fighting against, while the white represents the peaceful and non-violent nature of the protests.

The circle of text surrounding the umbrella is a nod to the Chinese concept of the yin and yang. The text reads “Occupy Central with Love and Peace,” which emphasizes the non-violent nature of the movement. The use of the word “love” also suggests that the movement was driven by a desire for positive change, rather than anger or hatred.

The Umbrella Revolution logo quickly became a symbol of hope and resistance for the people of Hong Kong. It was used on banners, posters, and social media to spread the message of the movement. The logo also inspired other protest movements around the world, including the Umbrella Movement in Taiwan and the Umbrella Revolution in Thailand.


1. The Umbrella:

The umbrella is the centerpiece of the Umbrella Revolution Logo. The umbrella symbolizes protection and shelter, which is what the protesters were seeking during the protests. The umbrella also represents resistance and defiance against the authorities. The protesters used umbrellas to shield themselves from tear gas and pepper spray, which were used by the police to disperse the crowds.

2. The Yellow Ribbon:

The yellow ribbon tied around the handle of the umbrella represents the peaceful nature of the protests. Yellow is the color of the pro-democracy movement in Hong Kong, and the ribbon symbolizes the peaceful nature of the protests. The protesters wanted to show that they were not violent and were only seeking democracy and freedom.

3. The Chinese Character:

The Chinese character on the Umbrella Revolution Logo means “democracy.” This character represents the main goal of the protesters, which was to have a democratic system in Hong Kong. The protesters were fighting against the decision made by the Chinese government to allow only pre-approved candidates to run for the position of Chief Executive in Hong Kong.

4. The Black Background:

The black background of the Umbrella Revolution Logo represents the darkness and the uncertainty that the protesters were facing during the protests. The protesters were unsure of what the future held for them and were prepared to fight for their rights and freedoms.

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