The Evolution of the Umbrella Corporation Logo in Resident Evil 7


The Umbrella Corporation has been a staple in the Resident Evil franchise since the beginning. Their logo, a simple red and white umbrella, has become synonymous with the series. However, the logo has undergone some changes over the years, particularly in the latest installment, Resident Evil 7.

In previous games, the Umbrella Corporation logo was typically seen on various items throughout the game, such as the iconic green herbs that players would use to heal themselves. The logo was often displayed prominently on the packaging, indicating that the product was created by Umbrella. The logo itself remained relatively unchanged, with the exception of some minor updates to the design.

In Resident Evil 7, the Umbrella Corporation logo takes on a much more sinister tone. The logo is still present on various items throughout the game, but it is now accompanied by a tagline: “Creating a New World Order.” This tagline is a clear indication that Umbrella’s intentions are not entirely altruistic.

The logo itself has also undergone some changes. The red and white umbrella is now surrounded by a black circle, giving it a more ominous appearance. The words “Umbrella Corporation” are now written in a bold, sans-serif font, further emphasizing the company’s power and influence.

One interesting aspect of the Umbrella Corporation logo in Resident Evil 7 is how it is used in the game’s story. Without giving away any spoilers, it can be said that the logo plays a significant role in the game’s plot. The logo is not just a simple piece of branding, but a symbol of the company’s power and reach.

Overall, the evolution of the Umbrella Corporation logo in Resident Evil 7 reflects the game’s darker tone and more complex storyline. The logo has gone from a simple branding element to a symbol of the company’s true intentions. It will be interesting to see how the logo continues to evolve in future Resident Evil games.


The Umbrella Corporation has been a prominent presence in the Resident Evil franchise since its inception. One of the most recognizable aspects of the company is its logo, which has gone through several changes over the years. In Resident Evil 7, the logo has undergone yet another evolution. In this article, we will explore the history of the Umbrella Corporation logo and examine its latest iteration in Resident Evil 7.

Origins of the Umbrella Corporation Logo

The Umbrella Corporation logo was first introduced in the original Resident Evil game in 1996. The logo features a red and white umbrella with the company name written in black underneath. The umbrella symbolizes the company’s commitment to providing protection and shelter to its customers. The red and white color scheme is meant to evoke a sense of trust and reliability.

Changes to the Logo over the Years

The Latest Evolution in Resident Evil 7

In Resident Evil 7, the Umbrella Corporation logo has undergone yet another evolution. The latest version of the logo features a more minimalist design that is dominated by a black and white color scheme. The umbrella symbol is still present, but it is now surrounded by a circle that is meant to represent the company’s global reach. The new logo is meant to reflect the company’s renewed focus on innovation and technology.


The Umbrella Corporation logo has been an iconic symbol in the Resident Evil franchise for over two decades. Its latest evolution in Resident Evil 7 is a testament to the company’s ability to adapt and evolve over time. As the franchise continues to evolve, it will be interesting to see how the Umbrella Corporation logo continues to change and evolve along with it.

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