How to Use a Squared Arc Promotional Umbrella to Boost Your Brand Visibility


As a business owner, you’re always looking for ways to increase your brand visibility. One effective way to do this is by using a squared arc promotional umbrella. Not only do these umbrellas provide protection from the rain, but they also act as a mobile billboard for your brand. In this article, we’ll explore how to use a squared arc promotional umbrella to boost your brand visibility.

1. Choose the Right Design

The first step in using a squared arc promotional umbrella to boost your brand visibility is to choose the right design. You want to select an umbrella that’s visually appealing and represents your brand well. Consider using your company’s logo or colors in the design. Additionally, make sure the design is easy to read from a distance.

2. Use High-Quality Materials

When it comes to promotional items, quality matters. You don’t want your umbrella to fall apart after only a few uses. Instead, invest in a high-quality squared arc promotional umbrella that will withstand the elements and last for years to come. This will ensure that your brand is visible for a long time.

3. Distribute the Umbrellas Strategically

Once you have your squared arc promotional umbrellas, it’s time to distribute them strategically. Consider handing them out at outdoor events or festivals where people are likely to need an umbrella. You can also give them to your employees to use on rainy days. The more people who are using your umbrellas, the more visibility your brand will receive.

4. Encourage Social Media Sharing

In today’s digital age, social media is a powerful tool for increasing brand visibility. Encourage people to share photos of themselves using your squared arc promotional umbrella on social media. You can even create a hashtag for people to use when sharing their photos. This will help increase your brand’s online presence and reach a wider audience.

5. Measure the Results

Finally, it’s important to measure the results of your squared arc promotional umbrella campaign. Keep track of how many umbrellas you distribute and how often they’re being used. Additionally, track any increases in website traffic or social media engagement during the campaign. This will help you determine the ROI of your campaign and adjust your strategy for future campaigns.

In conclusion, using a squared arc promotional umbrella is an effective way to boost your brand visibility. By choosing the right design, using high-quality materials, distributing the umbrellas strategically, encouraging social media sharing, and measuring the results, you can create a successful promotional campaign that increases your brand’s visibility and drives business growth.


Promotional items are a great way to increase brand visibility and customer loyalty. One of the most effective promotional items out there is the squared arc promotional umbrella. This article will provide you with some tips on how to use this umbrella to boost your brand visibility.

1. Choose the right design

The first step in using a squared arc promotional umbrella to boost your brand visibility is to choose the right design. Make sure that the design of the umbrella is eye-catching and represents your brand well. You want people to notice your umbrella and remember your brand.

2. Use it at outdoor events

The squared arc promotional umbrella is perfect for outdoor events. If you are sponsoring an event or attending a trade show, make sure to bring your umbrella with you. This will help to increase your brand visibility and create a lasting impression.

3. Offer it as a gift

Another great way to use the squared arc promotional umbrella to boost your brand visibility is to offer it as a gift. You can give it to customers who make a purchase or offer it as a prize in a contest. This will help to create a positive association between your brand and the umbrella.

4. Use it as a marketing tool

Finally, you can use the squared arc promotional umbrella as a marketing tool. You can print your logo or message on the umbrella and use it as a walking billboard. This will help to increase your brand visibility and create awareness about your brand.

In conclusion, the squared arc promotional umbrella is a great way to increase brand visibility and customer loyalty. By choosing the right design, using it at outdoor events, offering it as a gift, and using it as a marketing tool, you can maximize the impact of this promotional item and take your brand to the next level.

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