How to Make a Clear Umbrella Printed with Money Design


A clear umbrella printed with a money design can be a fun and unique accessory to add to your collection. Not only is it practical for keeping you dry on rainy days, but it also adds a touch of style to your outfit. Follow these simple steps to create your own clear umbrella printed with a money design.

Materials Needed:

– Clear umbrella

– Money print fabric

– Fabric glue

– Scissors

– Ruler

– Pencil

– Paintbrush


1. Measure the panels of your umbrella: Using a ruler, measure the length and width of each panel on your clear umbrella. Write down the measurements for each panel.

2. Cut the fabric: Using your ruler and a pencil, mark the measurements of each panel onto the money print fabric. Cut out each panel using scissors.

3. Glue the fabric onto the umbrella: Apply fabric glue to the back of each panel of fabric and carefully place it onto the corresponding panel of the umbrella. Use a paintbrush to smooth out any wrinkles or bubbles.

4. Allow the glue to dry: Once you have glued all of the panels onto the umbrella, allow it to dry completely.

5. Enjoy your new umbrella: Your clear umbrella with a money design is now ready to use! Show off your unique and stylish accessory on rainy days.


– Choose a fabric with a small print to ensure that the design fits onto the panels of the umbrella.

– Use a waterproof fabric glue to ensure that the fabric stays attached to the umbrella even in heavy rain.

– Consider using different prints or designs to create a collection of unique clear umbrellas.

In conclusion, creating a clear umbrella with a money design is a simple and fun DIY project. With just a few materials and some creativity, you can add a unique accessory to your wardrobe that will keep you dry and stylish on rainy days.

A clear umbrella printed with a money design can be a fun and eye-catching accessory. Here are the steps to make your own clear umbrella printed with a money design:


– Clear umbrella

– Money design printout

– Clear packing tape

– Scissors

– Spray adhesive

– Acrylic sealer


2. Cut out the design with scissors. Make sure to cut as close to the edges as possible.

3. Take a piece of clear packing tape and place it over the printed design. Smooth out any bubbles or wrinkles.

4. Cut around the tape, leaving a small border around the edges of the design.

5. Place the taped design onto the inside of the umbrella. Make sure it is centered and straight.

6. Spray adhesive onto the back of the taped design. Press it firmly onto the inside of the umbrella. Smooth out any bubbles or wrinkles.

7. Allow the adhesive to dry completely.

8. Spray a coat of acrylic sealer over the entire inside of the umbrella. This will help protect the design from rubbing off or getting damaged.

9. Allow the sealer to dry completely before using the umbrella.

With these simple steps, you can create your own clear umbrella printed with a money design. It’s a unique and fun way to show off your style on a rainy day!

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