How to Draw Umbrella Factory Claus Character


Umbrella Factory Claus Character is a fun and whimsical character that can be drawn in a variety of ways. In this tutorial, we will show you how to draw this character step by step. By following these easy steps, you will be able to draw your own Umbrella Factory Claus Character in no time!

Materials Needed

Before we begin, you will need some materials. These include:

– Pencil

– Eraser

– Paper

– Colored pencils or markers

Step 1: Sketching the Basic Shape

The first step in drawing Umbrella Factory Claus Character is to sketch out the basic shape of the character. Start by drawing a large circle for the head, and then draw a smaller circle for the body. Draw two lines extending from the bottom of the body circle for the legs, and then draw two circles at the end of each leg for the feet.

Step 2: Adding Details

Once you have the basic shape of the character sketched out, it’s time to add some details. Draw two small circles at the top of the head circle for the eyes, and then draw a small triangle for the nose. Draw a curved line below the nose for the mouth, and then draw two curved lines above the eyes for the eyebrows.

Step 3: Drawing the Arms

Now it’s time to draw the arms of the character. Draw two lines extending from the sides of the body circle for the arms, and then draw two circles at the end of each arm for the hands. Draw a curved line above each hand circle for the cuffs of the character’s shirt.

Step 4: Adding Clothing Details

To finish off the character, it’s time to add some clothing details. Draw a curved line below the body circle for the bottom of the character’s shirt, and then draw two curved lines extending from the bottom of the shirt for the pants. Draw a small circle at the top of the head circle for the character’s hat, and then draw a curved line extending from the hat for the brim.

Step 5: Coloring the Character

Finally, it’s time to color in your Umbrella Factory Claus Character! Use colored pencils or markers to add some color to your character. You can use any colors you like, but traditionally, Umbrella Factory Claus Characters are drawn in red and white.


Drawing Umbrella Factory Claus Character is easy and fun! By following these simple steps, you can draw your own version of this whimsical character. With a little practice, you’ll be able to draw your own unique Umbrella Factory Claus Character in no time!

Umbrella Factory Claus is a beloved character from the popular animated series, Umbrella Factory. If you’re a fan of the show and want to learn how to draw this iconic character, then you’ve come to the right place! In this article, we’ll provide you with step-by-step instructions on how to draw Umbrella Factory Claus.

Step 1: Draw the Head

Begin by drawing a large circle for the head. This will be the basis for the character’s face. Add two smaller circles for the eyes and a small triangle for the nose. Draw a curved line for the mouth.

Step 2: Add the Body

Next, draw the body of Umbrella Factory Claus. Start by drawing a square for the torso and two rectangles for the arms. Draw two circles for the hands and two rectangles for the legs.

Step 3: Draw the Clothing

Now it’s time to add Umbrella Factory Claus’s signature clothing. Draw a large coat over the torso, with a belt around the waist. Add a pair of boots at the bottom of the legs.

Step 4: Add the Details

To make Umbrella Factory Claus look more like himself, add some details. Draw his hat on top of his head, with a fluffy ball at the end. Add a pair of glasses to his face and some buttons to his coat. Don’t forget to add some lines to his boots to give them some texture.

Step 5: Color the Drawing

Finally, it’s time to color your drawing! Umbrella Factory Claus is known for his red coat and hat, so make sure to color those in. Add some brown for his boots and some black for his glasses. You can also add some shading to make the drawing look more realistic.

And there you have it! With these simple steps, you can draw Umbrella Factory Claus like a pro. Practice your drawing skills and soon you’ll be able to create your own unique versions of this beloved character.

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