How to Draw the Flat Resident Evil Umbrella Logo



The Resident Evil Umbrella logo is a symbol of the fictional corporation that plays a significant role in the Resident Evil video game series. This article will guide you on how to draw the flat version of the Umbrella logo.

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To begin, draw a circle using a pencil and a compass. The circle should be large enough to fit the entire logo inside.

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Next, draw a horizontal line across the middle of the circle. This line will serve as the base for the Umbrella logo.

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Draw two vertical lines, one on each side of the horizontal line. These lines should be shorter than the horizontal line, but still long enough to create a symmetrical design.

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Now, draw the curved lines that will create the Umbrella logo. Start at the top of the circle and draw a curved line that connects to the vertical lines. Repeat this process on the bottom of the circle.

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Connect the two curved lines at the top of the circle with a straight line. This will create the top of the Umbrella logo.

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Next, draw a small circle in the center of the logo. This represents the handle of the Umbrella.

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To complete the logo, draw two curved lines on each side of the handle. These lines should be parallel to the vertical lines and connect to the curved lines at the bottom of the circle.

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Once you have finished drawing the flat Resident Evil Umbrella logo, go over the lines with a black pen or marker. Erase any visible pencil lines and add color if desired.


Drawing the flat version of the Resident Evil Umbrella logo is a simple and fun activity for any fan of the video game series. With these easy steps, you can create your own version of the iconic symbol.

The Resident Evil Umbrella logo is an iconic symbol of the popular video game and movie franchise. If you’re a fan of Resident Evil and want to learn how to draw the Umbrella logo, then you’ve come to the right place. In this article, we’ll guide you through the process of drawing the flat Resident Evil Umbrella logo.

Step 1: Sketch the Basic Shape

To start, sketch the basic shape of the Umbrella logo using a pencil. The logo consists of an umbrella with a curved handle and a circular top. Make sure to draw the handle at an angle to give the logo a dynamic feel. Don’t worry too much about making it perfect at this stage, as you’ll be refining it in the next steps.

Step 2: Refine the Shape

Once you’ve sketched the basic shape, refine it by adding more details. Start by drawing the handle with more precision, making it thinner towards the bottom and thicker towards the top. Next, draw the circular top of the umbrella, making sure it’s centered and proportional to the handle. Finally, add two curved lines on either side of the handle to create the shape of the umbrella.

Step 3: Add Color

Now it’s time to add color to your Umbrella logo. The logo is typically black and white, with a red dot in the center of the circular top. Use a black marker or pen to trace over your pencil lines, and then fill in the handle and umbrella with black ink. Once the ink is dry, use a red marker or pen to color in the dot in the center of the logo.

Step 4: Clean Up the Lines

Finally, clean up the lines of your Umbrella logo by erasing any remaining pencil marks. You now have a flat Resident Evil Umbrella logo that you can use for your own projects.

In conclusion, drawing the flat Resident Evil Umbrella logo is a fun and easy process that any fan of the franchise can enjoy. By following these simple steps, you can create your own version of the iconic logo that will impress your friends and family.

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