How to Design an Insurance Logo with an Umbrella




An insurance company logo is the face of the company. It represents the brand and helps to create a lasting impression on potential customers. An umbrella is a common symbol used in insurance logos, as it represents protection and safety. In this article, we will discuss how to design an insurance logo with an umbrella.

Step 1: Choose the Right Colors

The colors used in a logo are essential to creating a brand identity. For an insurance company logo with an umbrella, choose colors that represent safety, trust, and protection. Blue is a popular color for insurance logos, as it represents stability and trust. Other colors that work well include green, gray, and black.

Step 2: Decide on the Umbrella Style

Step 3: Incorporate the Company Name

The company name is an essential element of the logo. It should be easy to read and stand out from the rest of the design. Consider using a bold font or adding a drop shadow to make the name pop.

Step 4: Add a Tagline

A tagline is a short phrase that communicates the company’s mission or values. It can help to differentiate the brand from competitors and create a memorable impression. Consider using a tagline that emphasizes the protection and safety that the company provides.

Step 5: Keep it Simple

A simple design is often the most effective. Avoid cluttering the logo with too many elements or colors. A clean and straightforward design will be easier to recognize and remember.


Designing an insurance logo with an umbrella is a great way to communicate the brand’s values of protection and safety. By choosing the right colors, umbrella style, and incorporating the company name and tagline, you can create a memorable logo that represents your brand. Remember to keep the design simple and easy to recognize.

An insurance logo is an essential element of any insurance company’s brand identity. It represents the values and services of the company and is often the first thing that potential customers will see. A well-designed insurance logo should be simple, memorable, and easy to recognize. One popular symbol that is often used in insurance logos is an umbrella. Here are some tips on how to design an insurance logo with an umbrella.

1. Choose the right colors

The colors you choose for your logo can have a significant impact on how it is perceived. When designing an insurance logo with an umbrella, it is best to stick with colors that are associated with trust, security, and protection. Blue is a popular color for insurance logos, as it is associated with trust and reliability. Green is also a good choice, as it represents growth and stability. Avoid using bright or flashy colors, as they can be seen as unprofessional or frivolous.

2. Use a simple umbrella design

When using an umbrella in your insurance logo, it is best to keep the design simple. A basic umbrella shape with a curved handle is all that is needed to convey the message of protection and security. Avoid adding too many details, as this can make the logo look cluttered and confusing. You want your logo to be easily recognizable, even when it is displayed in a small size.

3. Incorporate your company name

Your company name should be a prominent part of your insurance logo. You can either place it above or below the umbrella design or incorporate it into the design itself. If you choose to incorporate your company name, make sure it is easy to read and doesn’t detract from the overall design of the logo.

4. Consider the font

The font you choose for your company name can also have an impact on the overall look and feel of your logo. It is best to choose a font that is easy to read and is not too fancy or elaborate. Sans-serif fonts are a popular choice for insurance logos, as they are clean and modern.

5. Test your logo

Before finalizing your insurance logo, it is important to test it out in different sizes and formats. Your logo should be easily recognizable, even when it is displayed in a small size. It should also look good in black and white, as well as in color. You can test your logo by printing it out in different sizes, displaying it on a website, or using it in a mockup.

In conclusion, designing an insurance logo with an umbrella can be a great way to communicate the values of your company. By choosing the right colors, keeping the design simple, incorporating your company name, choosing the right font, and testing your logo, you can create a logo that is memorable, recognizable, and effective.

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