How to Create Custom Umbrella Bases in ACNL




Are you tired of the same old boring umbrella bases in Animal Crossing: New Leaf (ACNL)? Do you want to add some personal flair to your outdoor decor? In this article, we will explore how to create custom umbrella bases in ACNL.

Q: What materials do I need to create custom umbrella bases?

A: To create custom umbrella bases, you will need a pattern or design that you want to use, as well as access to the Able Sisters’ shop to create custom designs. You will also need an umbrella stand in your town and a fully upgraded T&T Emporium.

Q: How do I create a custom design for my umbrella base?

A: First, visit the Able Sisters’ shop and use the custom design machine to create a design that you want to use for your umbrella base. Be sure to choose a design that will fit well on the circular surface of the umbrella base. Once you have created your design, save it to your design slots.

Q: How do I apply the custom design to my umbrella base?

A: Next, go to the T&T Emporium and purchase a plain white umbrella stand. Place the umbrella stand in your town and use the custom design machine to apply your design to the base. Once you have applied the design, your custom umbrella base is ready to use!

Q: Can I change the design on my umbrella base?

A: Yes! If you ever want to change the design on your umbrella base, simply use the custom design machine to create a new design and apply it to the base using the same process.


Creating custom umbrella bases in ACNL is a fun and easy way to add some personal flair to your outdoor decor. With just a few materials and access to the Able Sisters’ shop and T&T Emporium, you can create unique designs that will make your town stand out.

Animal Crossing: New Leaf (ACNL) is a popular simulation game that allows players to customize their own virtual world. One of the ways to add a personal touch to your game is by creating custom umbrella bases. These bases can be used to decorate your town or to give as gifts to your friends.

Step 1: Collect Materials

To create custom umbrella bases, you will need the following materials:

– An umbrella stand

– Paint or markers

– Stickers or decals

– Clear acrylic spray

Step 2: Design Your Base

Use your chosen materials to design your umbrella base. You can paint a design or use stickers and decals to create a unique look. Some players like to use their favorite characters or symbols as inspiration for their designs.

Step 3: Apply Clear Acrylic Spray

Once your design is complete, apply a clear acrylic spray to protect your base from wear and tear. This will ensure that your design stays intact and looks great for a long time.

Step 4: Use Your Base

Now that your custom umbrella base is complete, you can use it to decorate your town. Place it in a prominent location where it can be seen by other players. You can also give it as a gift to your friends.

In conclusion, creating custom umbrella bases in ACNL is a fun and creative way to add a personal touch to your town. With a few simple materials and some imagination, you can design a unique and beautiful base that will make your town stand out.

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