Exploring the Meaning Behind the Umbrella Corporation Logo in Resident Evil 7


The Umbrella Corporation logo is one of the most recognized symbols in the Resident Evil franchise. It is prominently featured in the latest installment, Resident Evil 7: Biohazard. The logo is a blue and white umbrella with a red letter “U” on the inside. But what does it mean? Let’s explore the meaning behind the Umbrella Corporation logo in Resident Evil 7.

The Umbrella Corporation was founded by Oswell E. Spencer, Edward Ashford, and James Marcus in the 1960s. They were a pharmaceutical company that specialized in genetic engineering and bioweapons development. The company’s logo, the umbrella, was chosen to represent their mission to protect humanity from the dangers of biological weapons.

The blue and white color scheme of the umbrella represents the purity and cleanliness of the company’s intentions. They wanted to create a better world through scientific advancements. The red letter “U” on the inside of the umbrella represents the company’s name, Umbrella Corporation.

However, as the Resident Evil franchise progressed, it became clear that the Umbrella Corporation was not as altruistic as they claimed to be. They created the T-virus, a highly infectious and deadly virus that turned humans into zombies. They also experimented on animals and humans, creating horrific monsters like the Tyrant and Nemesis.

In Resident Evil 7: Biohazard, the Umbrella Corporation is mentioned as a former rival of the game’s main antagonist, the Baker family. The Baker family, who have been infected with a new virus, are trying to create a cure using a serum developed by the Umbrella Corporation.

The Umbrella Corporation logo in Resident Evil 7 serves as a reminder of the company’s dark past and the consequences of playing with genetics and bioweapons. It is a cautionary tale about the dangers of unchecked scientific progress and the importance of ethical considerations in research and development.

In conclusion, the Umbrella Corporation logo in Resident Evil 7 represents the company’s original mission to protect humanity from biological weapons. However, it also serves as a warning of the dangers of unchecked scientific progress and the consequences of unethical research practices.


The Umbrella Corporation logo is an iconic symbol in the Resident Evil franchise. It has been featured prominently in many of the games, including Resident Evil 7. However, the meaning behind the logo remains a mystery to many fans. In this article, we will explore the possible meanings behind the Umbrella Corporation logo in Resident Evil 7.

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The Umbrella Corporation logo features a red and white umbrella with a red letter “U” in the center. The umbrella is a symbol of protection, which is fitting for a company that specializes in pharmaceuticals and biotechnology. The red and white colors are also significant, as they are often associated with medical fields.

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However, the letter “U” in the center of the logo is what makes it truly unique. Some fans speculate that it stands for “Umbrella,” the name of the company. Others believe that it represents the company’s founder, Oswell E. Spencer, whose first name starts with the letter “U.” Another theory is that the “U” represents the company’s ultimate goal, which is to create the ultimate biological weapon.

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In Resident Evil 7, the Umbrella Corporation logo appears on various items, including a helicopter and a computer screen. These appearances suggest that the company is still active in the game’s universe, despite being officially disbanded in the canon storyline. It’s possible that the logo is used by a new organization that has taken over the company’s operations.

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Another possible meaning behind the Umbrella Corporation logo in Resident Evil 7 is its connection to the game’s plot. The game takes place in Louisiana, where a new type of virus has emerged that turns people into horrific monsters. It’s possible that the Umbrella Corporation is somehow responsible for the virus, either by creating it or covering up its existence.

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In conclusion, the Umbrella Corporation logo in Resident Evil 7 is a symbol with many possible meanings. It represents the company’s history and goals, as well as its connection to the game’s plot. Regardless of its true meaning, the logo remains an important part of the Resident Evil franchise and continues to intrigue fans to this day.

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