Designing a Stylish White Logo for Umbrella Corporation



The Umbrella Corporation is a fictional company from the Resident Evil franchise. It is known for its stylish white logo, which has become iconic in popular culture. In this article, we will explore the process of designing a stylish white logo for Umbrella Corporation.

Research and Analysis

Before starting the design process, it is important to conduct research and analysis. This includes studying the brand identity of Umbrella Corporation, analyzing the target audience, and studying the competition. By doing so, designers can get a better understanding of what the logo needs to convey and how it should stand out from competitors.

Concept Development

Based on the research and analysis, designers can start developing concepts for the logo. This includes sketching out different ideas, exploring typography, and experimenting with colors. The goal is to come up with a design that is simple, memorable, and visually appealing.

Refinement and Iteration

Once a few concepts have been developed, designers can start refining and iterating on them. This includes getting feedback from stakeholders and testing the designs in different contexts. The goal is to create a final design that is polished and effective in communicating the brand identity of Umbrella Corporation.

Finalizing the Design

After refining and iterating on the design, the final step is to finalize it. This includes choosing the right color scheme, typography, and layout. The final design should be versatile enough to be used in different contexts, such as print, digital, and merchandise.


In conclusion, designing a stylish white logo for Umbrella Corporation requires a thorough research and analysis, a strong concept development process, and a careful refinement and iteration process. By following these steps, designers can create a logo that is not only visually appealing but also effectively communicates the brand identity of Umbrella Corporation.


– Brief explanation of Umbrella Corporation and the importance of a logo

– Overview of the design process

Design Inspiration:

– Explanation of the importance of a white logo for Umbrella Corporation

– Inspiration from other successful white logos

– Incorporating the Umbrella Corporation brand identity into the design

Design Elements:

– Choosing the right font for the logo

– Incorporating the Umbrella Corporation color scheme

– Ensuring the logo is easily recognizable and memorable

Design Process:

– Sketching out initial ideas

– Refining the chosen design through digital mockups

– Soliciting feedback and making revisions

Final Design:

– Explanation of the final design and its elements

– Importance of testing the logo in different applications and sizes

– Final thoughts on the design process and the importance of a strong logo for Umbrella Corporation


– Recap of the design process and the importance of a stylish white logo for Umbrella Corporation

– Final thoughts on the impact of a strong logo on a brand’s success.

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