21st June Is Summer Solstice- Plan Your Promotions With Custom Umbrellas ,custom umbrella with logo

  21st June Is Summer Solstice- Plan Your Promotions With Custom Umbrellas ,custom umbrella with logoAdvice: Print umbrellas with a logo

  An ideal giveaway in every season: umbrellas! A wide variety of models, sizes and equipment make the umbrella printed with a logo one of the most effective advertising material. The high utility and the large advertising space ensure double advertising power – and that almost pass. Make the right choice and choose an umbrella from our range. Whether pocket umbrellas or stick umbrellas, transparent or colorful – we will be happy to help you choose. Now protect your customers from poor weather and are also happy about an enormous number of new advertising contacts. We are certain: print umbrellas with a logo is always the right choice. We will not leave you standing in the rain!

Customized umbrella manufacturers and suppliers with LOGO

  Print up umbrella | All benefits at a glance

  With a good umbrella, you can literally save your customers the day at the push of a button. In addition, your company benefits from these further advantages:

  Large advertising space over the complete umbrella

  Band, shaft and shell are popular printing surfaces

  Different printing methods such as sublimation pressure or screen printing process are possible

  Many colors & finishing options

  Large advertising range through presentation in public

21st June Is Summer Solstice- Plan Your Promotions With Custom Umbrellas ,custom umbrella with logo

  Everyone really needs an umbrella and not just in the autumn season. In addition, umbrellas are often lost: umbrellas are left in the restaurant or forgotten with friends and so it is recommended to always have a spare screen ready. So it makes sense to own several of the supporting companions.

  21st June Is Summer Solstice- Plan Your Promotions With Custom Umbrellas ,custom umbrella with logo Diversity with advertising pressure is therefore optimal advertising medium, because company logos in particular can be placed here very extensively. From experience it should be said that advertising borons are particularly popular and gratefully accepted by the customers and offer a permanent multiplication for many people. Accordingly, the advertising effectiveness of advertising bores with company logo is extremely high.

  The umbrella as an advertising material is a useful companion in wind, weather and especially on rainy days. If the clouds move up and cause precipitation, it protects her umbrella from getting wet. Even on extremely sunny days, an umbrella can be used as a parasol misused and as a shadow dispenser. If you save the day to a customer in this way, it is a full advertising success and your company will not be forgotten anymore. An umbrella is also ideal as an employee gift.

Customized umbrella manufacturers and suppliers with LOGO
Customized umbrella manufacturers and suppliers with LOGO

June 21st represents the official first day of summer though people have been planning their summer trips right from the middle of spring. June 21st still will make a wonderful opportunity for marketers to pack a punch to their summer promotions by including some appropriate swag in their marketing mix that will go well with the summer theme. Umbrellas make a brilliant choice considering the unique advantage of an impressive display at low costs. Offered in a range of attractive colors and panel designs, custom umbrellas will never fail to turn heads. Put your brand and mascot on these and see how these logo items will put your brand the talk of the town literally. The sheer multitude of options is another reason that makes custom umbrellas exciting promotional items.

Here are some of the models that you will find inspiring

Golf umbrellas

Summer is the best time for people to indulge in a relaxing game of golf in the vast green all over the country. Apart from offering some high quality social time, the game offers ample scope to unwind after a hectic day at work. Customize these jumbo sized umbrellas with your brand and message and get people talk about your brand as these bright and bold brollies keep the players and their golf kits safe from rain and shine. Customize these with your brand and message to turn these custom golf umbrellas into a walking talking billboard for your brand. Choose from a range of sizes from 46” to 60” and everything in between and make your message stand out!

Patio umbrellas

Beach holidays, picnics, tail gating parties and more… most people will have a lot of events lined up for the summer season. These custom patio umbrellas will make a great way to kick start your summer campaigns while your recipients can chill out under its massive canopy. True win – win situation. Customize these patio umbrellas with your brand and message and see how these logo items will make your brand part of their holiday memories. Consumer behavior analysts opine that brands that enhance the well being and happiness of the shoppers are much more likely to be remembered. So, do not let this golden opportunity to please your audience slip off your fingers!

Antiwind umbrellas

Ideally umbrellas should not just shield the users from weather elements but also be durable and long lasting. Check out these custom antiwind umbrellas that will withstand high wind conditions as well. Functional gifts like umbrellas that your recipients will find useful in their daily lives enjoy a better retention than gifts that have only novelty value. These custom antiwind umbrellas will enhance your brand exposure and loyalty manifold and everytime your recipients take out these on a stormy day, your brand on these will stand tall!

We have an impressive line-up of custom umbrellas in all possible models and colors. Which one is your favorite model? Share your thoughts in the comments section to set the ball rolling by starting an interesting conversation.

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